So I've started my raw food detox, which I'll be writing about later, but I made these recipes last week and I promised my twitter followers I'd share them!
I love sweet potatoes. I thought when I went potato-free that I'd never eat a french fry again and I was so sad. But then I realized I like sweet potatoes bet
ter than potatoes, so I'd probably prefer sweet potato fries to regular fries as well! Unfortunately, I've always been a bit challenged when it comes to cooking potatoes. I don't know why, I could just never get it quite right. A fe
w weeks ago, I drove to San Diego to visit my aunt and her family, and lo and behold, she was cooking sweet potato fries for dinner! So I watched closely while she cooked and memorized the steps so I could do the same.
When I tried the recipe at home, they turned out great!
Sweet Potato Fries
1 large sweet potato
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. minced garlic
Salt to taste
Oregano to taste
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Peel the sweet potato and cut into slices. Then, toss the slices in a large bowl with the olive oil and add the seasonings. When I made these, I actually used a Bulgarian seasoning that is my roommates, but I can't even read the label since none of it was in English! But if you are feeling adventurous, the package looks like this:
Once the fries are ready, put them in the oven for 30 minutes. At the 15 minute mark, take them out and flip the fries over so they get crispy on both sides. Then, enjoy!
I ate the fries with this bean dip that I made, but it was a little heavy. I'm just not able to eat a whole lot of condiments, so if you can, be creative with what you dip them in!
This bean dip I actually got from an episode of "Ruby" on the Style network. Funny story, I was actually watching a rough cut of the episode for a project I was doing at work, and heard this recipe and jotted it down in my notebook. Last week, I was looking back through my notebook and found the recipe and decided to make it!
Cantenelli Bean Dip
1 can Bush Cantenelli (white kidney) beans
1 tsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. lemon juice
Salt to taste
Other spices (thyme, oregano) to taste
I played around with this one a bit as well. I loooove oregano so I put it in everything, feel free to substitute other spices you like. Preparation is easy. Rinse the beans, then put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor. Refrigerate for a while after preparing, it tastes so much fresher cold. Serve with rice crackers, Terra chips, or veggies!
As I mentioned before, I started my detox yesterday, so I'll be posting again later tonight! Thanks for reading!
Live Free.
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